Research Overview

Research in civil and environmental engineering is often an interdisciplinary endeavor. Our faculty specialize in six main areas, but frequently cross group and departmental boundaries to collaborate with experts in other areas, ranging from materials science to biochemistry to oceanography.

We take pride in our undergraduate research program. The University of Delaware has a nationally recognized Undergraduate Research Program that has served as a model for numerous other colleges and universities throughout the U.S. Almost all of our faculty have been involved in this program. Research experiences range from 10-week full-time summer projects on campus to off-site internships. Undergraduates may also work on research projects during the academic year for pay or credit.

Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering Chair’s Undergraduate Research Fellowships

CCEE fellowships are competitive awards that provide undergraduate students with the opportunity to enhance their education by participating in directed research. The fellowships are designed to allow for various levels of participation and are intended to help students develop solid analytical skills and strong research techniques to pursue graduate school and careers in research fields or academia.

Research Centers

The CCEE Department houses four multidisciplinary research centers and also collaborates with other research centers across campus and at other institutions. These centers facilitate collaboration among engineers, scientists and social scientists, and faculty, students and visiting scholars to address specific areas. The centers housed in the department are:

In 2018, the department generated well over $17 million in sponsored research. Most of these research projects include funding for graduate research assistantships. For more details, see our listing of current projects.