Ardeshir Faghri

Ardeshir Faghri
Office: 306G DuPont Hall
Phone: 302-831-2426

Ardeshir Faghri



Ph.D. | University of Virginia
Master’s | University of Virginia
Master’s | University of Washington
Bachelor’s | University of Washington

Executive Summary

As the former director of the Delaware Center for Transportation Research (DCT-2000-2016) and professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Delaware since 1990, Ardeshir Faghri has been involved with teaching, mentoring, research, and administration. His areas of expertise include transportation systems engineering, global positioning and geographical information systems, soft computing, and applied probability theory. He received his Bachelor of Science from the University of Washington in 1981 and continued there receiving a Master of Science in civil engineering in 1983. In 1985, he received a second Master of Science from the University of Virginia in civil engineering/transportation. Two years later, he concluded his graduate studies and was awarded a doctorate in civil engineering/transportation from the University of Virginia.

Since completing graduate work his professional experience has included positions in the government and private sectors, as well as in academia. He has led numerous multi-modal transportation planning, design, operations and maintenance projects nationally and internationally.  In the U.S., he has garnered more than $30 million as principal or co-principal investigator from such sources as the NSF, FHWA, FTA, DelDOT, PennDOT and NJDOT. Internationally, he has conducted projects for the United Nations Development Programme, has served as a member of the European Symposium on Artificial Intelligence Applications in Transportation, has organized International Symposiums on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis, and has twice guest edited the International Journal of Computer-Aided Civil & Infrastructure Engineering.

Over the course of his professional career, he has been honored with awards from the United States Department of Transportation, NASA, the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), and the University of Delaware among others. In addition, Dr. Faghri has obtained a Civil Engineering project patent as sole inventor, authored more than 100-refereed journal publications and 12 book chapters. Dr. Faghri is an ASCE Fellow and has continuously served the ASCE since 1977. He takes great pride in his current role as a mentor to undergraduates, and advisor to graduate students pursuing a master’s degree or doctorate. Since he began as an Assistant Professor at the University of Delaware, he has advised over 60 graduate students and gone on to see them thrive in academic, government and private sector positions all over the world. Dr. Faghri has won both the Campus-wide as well as the College of Engineering Best Teacher awards at the University of Delaware.

Research Areas

  • Infrastructure Systems
  • Sustainability
  • Transportation