Alumni & Friends

Welcome Alumni & Friends!

The Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering has a long history of graduating the best and brightest engineers in many disciplines of civil and environmental engineering.  Whether you are one of our many alumni or you are a friend of ours, we hope that you will continue to stay in touch with us. We look forward to your feedback about our programs, updates about your career and especially enjoy your return visits.

To stay connected and involved, follow us on Facebook and update your contact information at UD’s Alumni and Friends website.

To get information on how to be involved, the University of Delaware’s alumni pages.  

Making a gift is simple.

Just use our easy, online giving form.

Many companies match gifts of their employees. This is a great way to double or even triple your gift. Check with your company’s Human Resources Department or visit our online database at to find out if your employer matches gifts. For more information, please contact Kris Graves, Assistant Vice President for Development, at 302-831-4703, For specific questions about making a gift, contact the Office of Annual Giving at or call toll-free at 866-535-4504.

Visit for additional giving resources.

Thank you for your support!

Did you know we have more than 3,500 living alumni?

To stay connected and involved, follow us on Facebook and update your contact information at UD’s Alumni and Friends website.


Get involved or re-connect by attending our annual golf outing and Canoe and Kayaking event.

Co-Op Program

Provides educational opportunities that integrate a student’s academic and career interests with paid, productive work experience at cooperating organizations both locally, nationally, and globally. If your firm is interested in hiring our students, find out more.