Mentoring Program

Patricia Hurley

Our Goal

The Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering’s (CCEE) mentoring programs connect students to peers and engineering professionals to exchange ideas and build a connected professional community. The Department launched this program in 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic amplified the need for more engagement and opportunities to build strong relationships. The mentoring programs support a more connected community of engineers who positively impact society by sharing their ideas and expertise with one another and offer helping hands to the next generation of #Hengineers.

How it Works

Students choosing to participate in the Student-to-Student (S2S) mentoring program will be paired with a junior- or senior-year student in their same area of study. Undergraduate CCEE students in their second year and beyond will have a chance to connect with an engineering industry professional mentor as part of the Student-to-Industry (S2I) mentoring program. (Email Joe Hofmann at if you want to participate as a mentee or mentor!)

Why Mentoring Works

Feelings of isolation, estrangement, doubt, uncertainty, and fear are common for college students. Mentoring programs help students make connections, share experiences, and navigate uncharted territory with someone who has already taken the journey. Being an engineering major comes with unique challenges on top of the need to build relationships, trust peers, and work in teams within this community of scholars. Mentors can offer students–struggling or not–an opportunity to ask questions and seek guidance during unfamiliar times or when they need help reconnecting with a community of peers.


Student-to-Student (S2S) Mentoring

  • To provide support with navigating the undergraduate experience as an engineering major
  • To build a network of engineering students

Student-to-Industry Professional (S2I) Mentoring

  • To assist with translating what students are learning now and its applicability to industry
  • To offer insight on the career transition and explore various perspectives on topics like evaluating job offers, navigating the workplace, and work-life balance

What do mentors and mentees do?

Mentoring is a two-way exchange and relies on the participation of both parties to succeed. Mentoring program participants are expected to attend events, respond to emails about planned activities, communicate effectively with a mentee or mentor, actively listen and show mutual respect. One-on-one virtual or in-person meetings will allow participants to build relationships and ask for advice based on their specific needs or situations.


Each semester, there will be 2-3 planned events for which we expect the S2S participants in the Mentoring Program to attend. Stay tuned for upcoming events for the S2S and S2I Programs!

FAQs about the Student-to-Industry (S2I) Mentoring Program (Fall 2023)

How much time should I devote to meeting with my mentor/mentee?

Mentors and mentees are encouraged to meet in-person, via zoom, or talk by phone at least once a month. The key is to establish a communication strategy that works for both the mentor and mentee.

What if I cannot reach my mentor/mentee?

Life happens but establishing mutual respect by respond in a timely fashion is strongly recommended. Even acknowledging receipt of a message by replying with a timeframe of when you will respond is one way to effectively communicate.

Can I swap mentors/mentees?

We encourage participants to commit to the process and find common ground.

What are some qualities of an effective mentoring relationship?
  1. Trust is established.
  2. Both listen attentively, provide advice and constructive feedback when asked.
  3. Expectations and strategies to achieve goals are discussed.
  4. Devote time and commit to the process.

Fall 2022 Kickoff Event – Mentoring Meet & Greet | 9/6/2022

Interested in Joining?

Contact the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at if you are interested in participating as a mentee or mentor!