Construction Engineering and Management

Why Choose This Major?

Construction engineers lead the most dynamic phase of civil and environmental engineering projects, procurement and construction of the physical facility, and there has never been a more exciting time to be involved in this field.

Technologies such as building information modeling, virtual reality, and visualization are revolutionizing the industry by providing construction engineers with unprecedented insight into the building process. Facilities can be virtually constructed before ground is broken to help identify potential problems, refine construction techniques, ensure safe and productive job sites, and facilitate success. New processes employing techniques from integrated manufacturing reduce waste and facilitate sequencing of activities through integrated project delivery, while new materials and methods promise to change the way business is done in the future.

We provide our students with the engineering foundation essential for professional licensure, valuable experience through co-op requirements, and formalized training in business essentials through an integrated business certificate program. Together, these elements prepare our students for leadership and success in the construction industry.

Areas of Study

Construction Engineering

Construction Management

Construction Law and Regulations

Planning and Scheduling

Estimating and Cost Control

CAD and BIM in Construction

Environment, Health and Safety

Productivity and Lean Construction

Quality Management and Control

Experiential Learning

All students in the program participate in a 26-week co-op program, which provides valuable experience working in the profession. All degree requirements, including the co-op program, are designed to be completed within four years.

Well-qualified Construction Engineering and Management majors may apply to the 4+1 program to earn a bachelor’s degree in Construction Engineering and Management and a Master of Civil Engineering degree within 5 years. The program is limited to University of Delaware undergraduates in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering with a minimum GPA of 3.25 at the time of application.


National employer demand for construction engineering and management skills increase from 2010 to 2013

Build the Future

Career Options

Construction Manager

Construction Engineer



Safety Officer

Field Engineer


The Construction Engineering and Management program provides students foundational knowledge of civil engineering and the technical specifics of construction engineering and management through the core curriculum. This includes courses and instruction in estimating, scheduling, equipment and operations, law and regulations, construction safety, Building Information Modeling (BIM), and visualization. Technical electives are designed to give students more specific and specialized experience in construction productivity, sustainability, and equipment and techniques used in specific industry segments, such as heavy and engineered construction, residential, and commercial construction. Technical electives are chosen in consultation with a faculty adviser to pursue individual interests. Students are encouraged to meet with their faculty advisers regularly to discuss their progress and work out any curriculum problems or concerns.

Course Checksheet

Course Flowchart 

For program & course information click the year matriculation started: Fall 2023 | Fall 2022 | Fall 2021Fall 2024

CEM Breadth Courses (University and College Breadth)
Course Description Credits
ECON100 Economic Issues and Policies 3
BUAD100 Introduction to Business 3
FINC200 Fundamentals of Finance 3
ENGL410 Technical Writing 3
  Remaining breadths to fulfill University Breadth requirements 6
Technical Electives (not all offered every semester)
Course Description Credits
CIEG492 International Construction 3
CIEG343 Site Engineering 3
CIEG402 Introduction to Sustainability Principles in Civil Engineering 3
CIEG494 Advanced Building Information and Modeling 3
CIEG495 Temporary Structures Design 3
CIEG496 Building Systems Engineering and Design 3
Science/Math Electives
Course Description Credits
BISC207 Introductory Biology 1 4
GEOG152 Climate and Life 4
GEOL107 Geology of Dynamic Earth 4
GEOL105/115 Geological Hazards (with Lab) 4
MATH243 Analytical Geometry and Calculus C 4
PHYS208/228 Fundamentals of Physics II 4
PLSC204/205 Introduction to Soil Science (with Lab) 4
Breadth Requirements

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering requires three University Breadth Requirements, one in each of the following areas: Creative Arts and Humanities, History and Cultural Change, and Social and Behavioral Sciences. These three courses must come from three separate academic departments.

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering requires three College of Engineering Breadth Requirements as well. These can come from the College Breadth Requirement List found in the Undergraduate Catalog, or from any course approved as a University Breadth Requirement, outside of Math, Natural Sciences, and Technology.

Six credit hours of breadth requirements must be taken at the upper-level. This is typically a course numbered 300 or higher, however level III of a foreign language (i.e. SPAN107) and higher will count.

A grade of C- or higher is required in all six breadth courses.

At least one breadth course of the six must meet the Multicultural Requirement; a course stressing multicultural, ethnic, and/or gender related content. The purpose of the multicultural requirement is to provide students with some awareness of and sensitivity to cultural pluralism-an increasing necessity for educated persons in a diverse world. Only course sections that are designated as multicultural in the academic catalog for a specific semester can be used to fulfill this requirement.

Please visit the course catalog for more information.

Optional: Minor in Business Administration

The program is structured for all students to complete a Certificate in Business Essentials offered by the Lerner College of Business and Economics. A student could opt for a Minor in Business Administration by taking BUAD301, 306 and 309 in lieu of BUAD 100.