Michael Davidson received the Staff Excellence Award in December 2018. Michael is the Senior Electronics Specialist in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. In addition to his specialty, he can be depended on to assist in any capacity that is required. Michael’s vast experience spans over three decades in the College of Engineering and he can be counted on as an expert in his field. His patience and kind temperament make him a pleasure to work with and all members of CEE are grateful for his contributions and dedication to our department.
Karen Greco received the Staff Excellence Award in June 2019. Karen has held the position of Business Administrator for Civil and Environmental Engineering for over 10 years. She oversees the CEE staff and assists both staff and faculty members in a wide array of areas: budgeting, financial operations, staffing, and working closely with the department chair. Karen’s door is always open to answer questions and is the department’s “problem-solver extraordinaire.” She tirelessly goes the extra mile to assist any member of our department. We are fortunate for Karen’s expertise and dedication to CEE.